This is were I lived and worked during the scholar year 2006-2007, on the border between french Guiana and Brazil. Camopi is the native ameridians' village and Vila Brasil the brazilian village, on the other side of the border river.

On this map you can see the only roads, near the ocean. The border with Brazil is the Oyapock river. The river going to the west and then towards south from Camopi is the Camopi river.

Looking towards the south-east. On the right, Camopi. On the other side of the river, Vila Brasil. Coming on the bottom left, the Camopi river on which I lived at the beginning.

Another view, looking towards the south. Here we only see the Oyapock river. On the left side, Camopi, with one of its extensions at the foreground. On the top right, Vila Brasil.

Looking towards the west. Camopi only. On the left, the Oyapock river. On the right, the Camopi river. You can see the difference of color between the two rivers. There are a lot of gold seekers far inside the forrest polluting the river by their activity.

My house when I was living in Vila Brasil. No water (never very far anyway), no electricity.

My house while I was living in Camopi.

Down my house, near Camopi.

The only mean of transportation in the area.

The school under the rain.

On the way to school, early morning during the dry season.

My pupils.

My pupils.

Pupils' mothers.

With a pupil's father.

Camopi from my classroom.
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