Monday, October 29, 2007

Mumbai - day six

During the 4 first nights, I have been hosted in Santa Cruz west by TV reporters and teachers. Then I was hosted for one night in Mulund west, where there was a party to celebrate the full moon. Now, I am in Andheri east. I will probablyleave Mumbai tomorrow. Sick of big cities for the moment !

Today I went back to see Ramesh Balsekar . He is really humble and cares for everyone. Every day, he makes a kind of philosophical lecture, in his home. He sits in his armchair, there are two persons sit in front of him, and he discusses with them. Other people listen to the discussion,and then can ask questions. Basically, his philosophy is that pursuing happiness, which is a selfish quest, if this research is made consciously and wisely (wich means for example understanding that pleasure doesn't bring happiness, and therefore that its poursuit is useless), leads to be totally open to other people, treating them as oneself, while being constantly connected to the Source (of Consciousness) -or God, or whatever.

Here are a few quotes of Ramesh :

"Quite some time ago, a sudden thought hitme with great impact : it is downright stupid for anyone to try to appear wiser than he is, or more handsome than he is, or better in any sense than he really is. No one is perfect in this world; acceptance is so much easier than hypocrisy, being natural so much easier than pretention"

This one sounds like this post :
"With the realization that livingin essence is merely the response of each sense when in contact with its respective object, without any real volition, there is an actual experience that I do not really live my life, but that life is being lived through me, as much as it is lived through every body-mind living".

"With the experience of life being lived by itself, it seems amazing how easily each problem seems to resolve itself, allowing each dilemma to arrive spontaneously atits natural solution. 'Me' and 'other' actually turn to be just different perception."

Here aresome other pictures of the city :


remy said...

Pendant les 4 premieres nuits, j'ai ete heberge a Santa Cruz west par des journalistes TV et une apprentie-prof. Ensuite, j'ai ete heberge a Mulund west. Il y a eu une fete pour celebrer la pleine lune. Maintenant, je suis a Andheri east. Je vais certainement quitter Mumbai demain. Marre des grandes villes !

Aujourd'hui je suis retourne voir Ramesh Balsekar. C'est quelqu'un d'humble qui s'occupe de tout le monde. Chaque jour, il fait une sorte de cours de philosophie chez lui. Il est assis dans son fauteuil, deux personnes s`assoient en face de lui et il discute avec elles. Les autres ecoutent la discution, et peuvent ensuite poser des questions. En gros, sa philosophie c'est qu'en recherchant le bonheur pour soi-meme, ce qui est une quete egoiste, si on effectue cette recherche avec conscience et sagesse (ce qui signifie par exemple comprendre que le plaisir n'apporte pas le bonheur, et que donc sa quete est inutile), on devient completement ouvert aux autres, on finit par les traiter comme soi-meme, et on reste constamment connecte a la Source (de la Conscience) -ou Dieu, ou ce qu'on veut.

Voici quelques citations de Ramesh :

Lorsqu'on realise que vivre, en essence, est simplement la reponse de chaque sense lorsqu'il est en contact avec son objet respectif, sans aucune reelle volition, je sens que je ne vis pas vraiment ma vie, mais que la vie est vecue a travers moi.

Avec l'experience de la vie vecue par elle-meme, il est impressionnant de decouvrir comment chaque probleme semble se resoudre de lui-meme, permettant a chaque dilemme d'arriver spontanement a sa solution naturelle. 'Moi' et 'autre'apparaissent en fait seulement comme differentes perceptions.

noninedaywonder said...

Wow. that looks gorgeous!